Sunday, 9 October 2011

Change Startup Programs in Windows 7

Many users asked me about how to change Startup programs in Windows 7, here is what you want.
At first click the Windows Start button then select All Programs. After that Right Click on the Startup folder in the menu and select Open All Users. Now select Explore to open the folder for the currently logged in user.
Then right click on the file that you want to started when the computer boots. Click on Copy from the menu.
Now right click on any white space in Startup folder you opened in first step. select paste from the menu list. Now that program will open the next time you computer.

If you want to change current Startup programs you need to click start button then in the search box type "msconfig" . Now you see the system configuration console.
When system configuration console opened click on the Startup tab. This tab shows all the programs which installed as Startup options on you computer.
Click on the check boxes of applications that you want to start when you boot the computer.  
Now Apply your changes and close the window. Now click Restart for reboot the computer to save your changes.

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